Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Honourable PM's Clarion Call

  PM MODI’s Clarion Call 

      I PROMISE To FACILITATE, You Must Promise to Innovate 

      I PROMISE STABLE POLICY REGIME, You Must Promise Positive Disruption

      I PROMISE Reform, You Must Promise to Perform

      I PROMISE HIGH GROWTH, You Must Promise High Quality

AT the inaugural edition of The Economic Times World Leaders Forum, Honourable PM Narendra Modi said, India is a land of opportunities and in its prosperity lies the prosperity of the world. ( ET dated 1/09 /24).


These are all words of Wisdom Coming from Noble thoughts and expectations of actions from all those who matter in the development of the Nation Politically, Economically, Socially and Technologically to ensure universal welfare for all. The Country has all the potential in terms of human and natural resources and the need of the hour is to use these resources optimally to benefit nature and  humanity. After all life is a  mystery and temporal whereas nature is perennial, all powerful and  provider of  everything that is needed  to sustain life. No doubt, Religion and Science provide the wherewithal,  guidance and support system to make the life wonderful, worth living enjoying the nature and adding to the comforts , discipline and order and bringing in some challenges of quality in living through evolutionary processes, civilisation, culture,  education and strong  administration to  avail  of all  opportunities and at the same time devoid of negatives for want of equality of Justice in the system.  Political Stability is sine qua non for the nation to look forward to developing the economy and provide social justice. The right leadership and the right direction of the economy can eliminate all stumbling blocks if any in moving  the economy forward without,  however, allowing rising of any malpractices which is an easy possibility in any democratic set up with a poor economic  background.

People the major beneficiaries of economic development should turn out to be watchdogs to prevent spread of corrupt practices and emergence of wrong doings taking advantage of lapses of administration, weaknesses of judiciary, and accountability of political set up.Wealth of the nation is for all to enjoy , but the way wealth is  generated, distributed, and deployed for further growth matters a lot and herein lies the smartness of the leaders and efficacy of the Governance system. Inequality in the generation and distribution of wealth needs to be minimized by provision of equality of opportunities in all respects. The key area perhaps requiring all round attention is reduction of Cost of Living , through reduction of Cost of  Education,Cost of  Production, Distribution, Marketing,  Traveling and  diligent elimination of Corrupt Practices seen practically in all areas of day to day life particularly of average person. The need for a very simple,  equitable and acceptable  tax system for all segments of the population and the economy is perhaps the KEY to kickstart the economy and bring in all round achievements to realize the dream of an advanced nation in terms of economic performance and welfare for all .From the development angle, a review of construction of Inflation Index, influence of GST, fuel levies, black money , corrupt practices seen in and around all high end consumption areas having both imported and domestic inflation impact would make sense followed by prompt corrective action. The proof  of pudding is in eating and not in the ingredients.        

Inorder to derive the full benefits of intended reforms, the time has come for all well intended people to perform well in their respective field with devotion, commitment, sincerity , utmost loyalty and above all  with adherence to the very noble  message of Bhagavat gita that  we should do our best and serve the respective profession with perfection and without expecting any self gain or reward. Reward comes in the form of national prospirity and welfare for all to share and rejoice.

Every institution and every individual irrespective of their stature in the overall system should feel highly proud of their involvement and contribution to take the country forward utilising all their potential and resources and see that the efforts they put in bring in benefits in terms of joy, delight. happiness, satisfaction and self actualisation. There should be unity of thoughts and actions among the Constitutional Experts, Administrators, Agriculturists,  Educationists, Financiers,Industrialists,Journalists, Law Enforcing authorities, Legislators, Religious Leaders, Scientists, Social Reformers, Technocrats and all Well Wishers who relish welfare of all in letter and spirit. The Year 2047 is not that far off to realise the dream of the developed world with the Readiness of All Citizens  under the leadership of the honourable  PM MAN OF DEVELOPING INDIA.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu. Hope the whole nation accepts the  promises,  works,  achieves and fulfills the aspirations of all everywhere.      

T V G Krishnan

( Personal Views )