These scandals are indications that theGovtFinances are mismanaged and there is no accountability.The authorities can get away with irresponsible way of handling public money and they are not very serious to improve the fiscal deficit and reduce the burden on common man is what is indicated with the revelation of this scandal under CAG report.When the masses suffer under high inflation and poverty this sort of looting of money cannot stand justice and prudence and for this,the CAG deserves appreciation for disclosing the casualness with which public finances are managed by people who are elected to take care of public welfare.There should be accountability and the loss should be recovered without much loss of time.The Fiscal deficit could have been considerably brought down if not eliminated completely had the losses from 2G and Coal allotment had been avoided.This sort of loss comes to light only through CAG audit and more of such audits should be done to prevent the loss of revenue.
from: Dr.T.V.Gopalakrishnan
This is in response to an editorial on the The true Cost of Coalgate in Business line dated 20/08/12.
Posted on: Aug 20, 2012 at 08:32 IST