Saturday, March 30, 2013

The need to be catious on FSLRC Report Implementation

The article has highlighted the flaws of the Report very well and gives rise to the questionable efficacy that the recommendations if accepted and implemented. The very fact that four members have dissented and expressed their own views, is an indication that the recommendations if implemented will not help to bring efficiency and soundness to the financial system which has been well nurtured and made to resist to yield to any temptations unworthy of, by the Reserve Bank and other regulators. Principle based supervision will not work in this economy where principles, ethics and values have been given a go bye is a truth which no one can challenge.A lot of serious thinking is required before accepting and implementing the FSLRC report is what the article highlights with some solid examples.


( This comment has been published in ET in response to an article 'The FSLRC Report is flawed in its approach)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

DR. TVG is again very right. This report appears to be another attempt of Politicians to take over or atleast influence the RBI decision making process by superimposing their views and reap benefits. Lot of thought has to go in before any seps are taken.
