Thursday, August 15, 2024

Congratulations to Times of India Team

 Hearty Congratulations to the Times of India Team for its edition of 15th August 2024  i.e. India's 78th independence day for bringing out the  Independence Day Special supplement as an Advertorial and promotional feature presentation under the Title Leaders of Change. It is  not only a very timely and imaginative presentation but also the most appropriate,  very motivative and provokingly excellent food for thought  to the people of the Great Nation to introspect, act and  realise the dream of being a developed nation by 2047. The topics covered inter- alia include broadly Politics, Economics, Social and Technological aspects and provide enough of ideas  to all intellectuals and leaders engaged and sincerely interested in the development of the nation and making it a powerful economy of the world ensuring welfare of the humanity in the whole Universe in terms of peace, prosperity and fulfilment in every sense. Such a well intended and highly objective journalism would definitely add values and enrich the people a lot. Keep going strong and let us all be really proud of our nations' highly potential  capabilities, resources and  achievements. May God bless us All Always and in All Ways. 

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu. 

TVG Krishnan 
(personal Views)

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