Sunday, January 12, 2025

Human motivation is the need of the hour

Apropos your editorial Work to Live , Don't Live to Work (ET Jan 10,2025), is it not time for our Corporate leaders like Chairman, CMDs and CEOs to introspect themselves as to what they do constructively to build the nation through adherence to Sanatana Dharma and enriching the contribution of the human resources to mentally attune themselves and be the part and parcel of the Collective effort to fulfil the aspirations of people all around. No doubt, the work culture is a must but the other wrong practices of various kinds prevalent viz being unethical, corrupt, use of black money, LAXITY IN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE , indifferent attitude towards the laws of the country and callousness in the adherence of rules and regulations not only affects the economic growth but also creates a bad image and impression of the Country which needs to be ideally and sensibly eradicated by our corporate HONCHOS. Human motivation is the need of the hour and not definitely by creating a personal image not worthy of anything.Work is worship and working for nation's progress and welfare of the people should be the only motto of the people irrespective of the their faith, political, economic and social status.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu. 

 T V G Krishnan 

( Letter sent to ET in response to the editorial dt 10/1/25.)

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