Thursday, April 18, 2013

Banks and Customers Relationship the Ground reality

Customers Prefer human touch and banks  do not prefer human touch is the reality. With the invasion of technology and introduction of KYC norms, the banks are more worried to collect all documents than to have any relationship with the customers. Even the very courtesy of saying hallo and recognizing the customer is missing in most of the PSU banks  is the ground reality. Even the managers do the same and they are all obsessed with the collection of documents and keeping the records in compliance with the KYC. Know your Documents and Kill Your Customers is what is the accepted form of relationship in banking these days. Even the deposit customers who enjoyed some exchange of pleasantries with bank officials are being looked down upon as idiots having no other ways of saving  the money other than coming and troubling the   officials. It is time a new definition is given for Banker Customer Relation ship and this has been figuring as one of the key methods of assessment of banks' performance. The banks should  have a Customer relationship ratio on par with capital adequacy ratio. This will help to improve the deposit mobilisation, financial inclusion, bring down NPAs, and reduce the black money circulation. Will the authorities be serious in improving the Customer Connectivity ? 


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