Tuesday, February 6, 2024

  Meaningful  Interim Budget 2024-25

This refers to Low Key Interim Budget but drab is fab, FM (ATM, Feb 4). The FM's interim budget is politically stimulating, economically encouraging, socially acceptable and desirable and technologically sensible to put it in a nutshell. The FM deserves all kudos for making the budget a meaningful exercise to take the economy forward with all ingredients devoid of any popular attractions particularly freebies. This is something unique in all her budgets highly appreciable and worth commendable as budgets are not intended to offer freebies to canvass votes but are official documents to guide the policy makers and people to plan the economic growth, perform to the best of abilities and share the fruits of development equitably and enjoy the wealth for the welfare of all. The culture of offering freebies, incentives etc are nothing but corrupt practices spoiling the culture of healthy democracy and ruining the initiatives and skill of the people to excel and display their potential to perform to the optimum. From this angle , the FM's budgets deserve all appreciation , support and encouragement. It makes the democratic system more mature and enlightened.   

T V G Krishnan

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