Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Right and very appreciable approach to Disinvestment of PSUs

  Right and Very appreciable approach to Disinvestment of PSUs

Apropos your editorial On PSUs, GOI Has taken The Right Call (ET dated 5/2/24),the approach of the Government in not going for disinvestment of  PSUs to find resources is very apt and highly appreciable as the PSUs have shown their mettle and are able to deliver,  of late, the much needed returns on investments to the Government and other investors and  provide the competitive spirit to make the private sector to perform and excel. The PSUs presence is very essential not only to take the economy forward very fast but also to show the private sector that they can deliver better governance and professionalism as the hallmarks for any institution to survive and perform. Nothing wrong if the public sector coexists with the private sector and helps the Government financially to achieve the target of being a developed economy by 2047 or even before. It also helps to make  the capital market very strong and vibrant. This is only a reflection of political stability and good economics. Good going indeed.  

T V G Krishnan
Bengaluru 560076.

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