Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Elect Good Leaders and performers.

  Elect Good leaders and performers. 

Ensure good participation in the election process and see that  good and selfless performers only get nominated, elected and deliver to the nation’s overall progress and welfare of the masses.  

Political Stability in a democratic set up is sine qua non for a sustainable economic growth and welfare of the people. From this angle the periodical election is very crucial for the country, the people and the political parties as the political stability attained since 2014 has favoured the economy a lot despite some setbacks due to the unprecedented pandemic the whole world had to face and undergo unimaginable suffering of all kinds. The need to have transparent democratic process, faster and consistent economic growth taking care of the macro economic factors viz, provision of employment, containing inflation, maintaining fiscal responsibilities envisaged  and fulfilling aspirations of the people to have quality of life comparable to the best in the world etc are natural expectations of the electorate and the political parties irrespective of their own ambitions and challenges which cannot fall short of expectations of the TRUST the people have in them while exercising their franchise. 

The political Challenges  viz  the levels of understanding of the people about the very democratic process, educational standards factoring therein  the matured thinking  of people, religious  and social tolerances, economic achievements and backing of technology to ensure smooth governance are very many and herein lies the quality of leaders and their statesmanship to take the country forward economically, socially and technologically. Even after 75 years after independence, the basic needs of  Food,Cloth and Shelter unfortunately continue to be the aspirations of a good majority of the population and this remains to be a serious handicap in the conduct of free and fair election necessitating offer of freebies and upsetting the very process of elections and electioneering. Even well off people expect and  enjoy freebies reflects only the poor understanding of the economic status of the  nation and the paramount  need to be  a developed nation soon  to recognise , realise, appreciate and satisfy through enlightened approach .   

Economic growth alone can bring in prosperity and welfare for all. The  political leaders in power and the bureaucrats and others engaged in the administration and execution of legislative policies, should ensure that the economic development is for the nation as a whole keeping in view the availability of men money materials and the backing of human resources and above all  the  need to put into optimum use  of the resources without giving any scope for Misuse / Abuse of the scarce financial resources. The responsibility of the people is huge and the task of the authorities in command is herculean . The need of the hour is total cooperation of the people with the authorities, coordinated approach of Administration, Judiciary and all institutions engaged in nation building activities and keeping a close watch on the progress that we make and getting thrilled / excited in the achievements in each and every area of economic, social activity and technological and nation’s advancement amongst the best of the developed nations. If there is a will there's a  way that needs to be proved and the election of ,Visionary,Competent, Selfless leaders capable of delivering highly honest, committed , dedicated and visible services making proud of the nation and its people really proud and enviable has to be demonstrated.

 The responsibility of the people to elect good and performing leaders reflecting in the  over all development of the constituency is  very serious and sensitive as differentiating the grain from the chaff and filtering only the grain is rendered extremely difficult because of all kinds of foul play in vogue exploiting, poverty, illiteracy and expectations of the people some freebies at any cost. Unfortunately freebies act as a cheap  political gimmick to win votes and people prefer to go in for freebies and suffer for long expecting better time in the next election which never materialises as a matter of routine. Politicians get richer and poor voters turn poorer unless they are in a position to outsmart the system and make money at any cost to the society and the Government.     

All said, people can hope for better and brighter days if they know their real worth as voters and are able to elect good leaders and very good performers to govern the country. The ease of living and the comfortable Life are considered as the birth rights of the people and the Government in power with all its administration, judiciary and legislative measures should be in a position  to provide them with ease and without any hassles. The accountability of the elected leaders to the people should be the yardstick to evaluate the leaders and performers and the quality of democracy .

 Sarve Jana  Sukhino Bhavanthu. 

T V G Krishnan

Senior Citizen

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